
Web applications are a vital component of the modern internet, providing highly interactive experiences for users. However, they also present a complex and evolving security landscape. As web apps grow in popularity, they become increasingly targeted by cybercriminals utilizing a range of attack vectors. Developers need to stay vigilant and employ security best practices to avoid introducing dangerous vulnerabilities into their applications.

Common Web Application Vulnerabilities 

Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)

One of the most common threats facing web apps is cross-site scripting (XSS). XSS vulnerabilities enable attackers to inject malicious client-side scripts into web pages viewed by other users. This can be used to bypass access controls, steal session cookies, extract sensitive data, or perform other malicious actions under the guise of an affected site. 

Stored and reflected XSS can often be prevented by escaping untrusted data before outputting HTML or properly validating/sanitizing user-controllable input. Filtering special characters, utilizing frameworks with automatic output encoding, and implementing a strong Content Security Policy also helps mitigate XSS risks.

Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)

Cross-site request forgery (CSRF) is another prevalent concern. This allows attackers to transmit unwanted commands from an authenticated user to the vulnerable web app by leveraging the user’s existing session cookie. 

CSRF tokens and strict same-site cookie policies can help mitigate the risk of CSRF attacks. Requiring POST requests for sensitive operations instead of GET requests can add another layer of protection.

SQL Injection

SQL injection is similarly dangerous – improperly sanitized user input can be used to alter SQL queries and trick the database into exposing information or allowing data modification. 

Input validation and prepared statements with bind variables are key defenses here. Object relational mapping (ORM) frameworks also help avoid constructing raw SQL strings. Stored procedures can limit SQL injection surface while offering performance benefits as well.

Insecure Direct Object References

Insecure direct object references are also common sources of bugs, enabling access to unauthorized data. Direct references to objects should be avoided in favor of identity mappings that check users’ permissions.

Mass Assignment Issues

Mass assignment issues in object relational mapping frameworks like Hibernate can be similarly problematic, allowing attackers to modify unintended columns. Strong typing, allowlists, and binding can help prevent mass assignment vulnerabilities.

Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF)

Server-side request forgery (SSRF) vulnerabilities trick back-end servers into connecting to unintended hosts, possibly disclosing data or attacking internal services. Web apps should avoid making requests to user-supplied URLs. 

Hardcoded URLs and whitelists help reduce SSRF risks, as do firewalls blocking outbound connections to unapproved hosts. AWS S3 bucket permissions should also be carefully restricted.

Remote Code Execution & Code Injection

Remote code execution bugs enabling attackers to run arbitrary code on servers are perhaps the most severe threats facing web apps. 

Memory Corruption Issues

Memory corruption issues like buffer overflows have long caused problems. Proper bounds checking and avoiding risky C/C++ functions can improve safety. Switching to a memory-safe language like Java or Rust can also help prevent buffer overflows.

Code Injection Flaws 

Code injection flaws should also be avoided by sanitizing inputs used when dynamically constructing code like OS commands. Prepared statements and ORM frameworks similarly protect against SQL injection by keeping code and data separate.

Insecure Deserialization

Insecure deserialization bugs have enabled major exploits as well, tricking apps into running untrusted deserialized code. Only serialized data from trustworthy sources should be accepted.

Unauthorized Filesystem Access

Unauthorized file system access can expose sensitive data too. Webroot directories should be read-only, and user uploads should be carefully restricted. Signed URLs with expiration provide security for uploads to cloud storage like S3.

Denial of Service (DoS)

Denial of service threats can cripple web apps by overloading resources, often utilizing botnets to amplify the impact. 

Rate Limiting

Rate limiting and load shedding techniques may help better withstand DoS attacks by restricting traffic spikes. Cloud-based DDoS mitigation services like Cloudflare can absorb massive attacks.

Client-Side DoS

Client-side attacks like cross-site script inclusion (XSSI) can similarly leverage the browser for malicious goals. Proper CORS configuration avoids resource consumption issues.

Defense in Depth Security Strategies

Overall web app security requires a multilayered approach. Beyond secure coding, other critical practices include:

– Threat modeling to identify risks early

– Regular scanning for vulnerabilities  

– Stringent access controls and encryption

– Robust logging and monitoring

– Multi-factor authentication

– A proactive security mindset throughout the development lifecycle

Keeping frameworks, servers, and dependencies up-to-date is also key to avoiding known issues. The web app security landscape will continue evolving, but developers have more tools than ever before to build safer applications resistant to attacks. 


By leveraging security knowledge, modern frameworks, static/dynamic testing, and sound design principles, companies can help minimize risks and protect their customers from emerging online threats. Though challenges remain, a vigilant and proactive approach to security allows organizations to fully utilize the power of web apps while safeguarding sensitive assets.



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