June 15-17, 2021, HOUSTON

Tehas State University (USA, Tehas, Houston) holds the 4th International Scientific and Practical Conference “Web Programming and Internet Technologies (WebConf2021)” on June 15-17, 2021. The Chairman of the Organizing Committee is academician of the National Academy of Sciences Anton Vladimirovich Abramenko. The conference is co-organized by the United Institute of Informatics Problems of the National Academy of Sciences of USA.


Don’t miss the opportunity to register right now.


Conference Time.


We’ll be here.


Price for participation.

Rules for the design and submission of abstracts


It is planned to publish a collection of abstracts (in hard copy and electronically) and conference materials (electronically), with subsequent placement of the deposited materials in the Electronic Library of BSU.

Abstracts should be prepared in MS Word (in doc-format version no higher than 2004) and sent by e-mail to the address of the organizing committee until April 2, 2021 inclusive. Please note that this is the final date for submitting papers and will not be rescheduled. Please plan to send your abstracts in advance.

The decision of the program committee to accept the paper for publication will be communicated to your e-mail as applications are processed, but no later than April 9, 2021. Payment for participation in the conference with the accepted section paper is due by April 15, 2021. Payment details will be published later and provided in the notification of acceptance of the paper.

Rules for the design and submission of materials


It is planned to publish a collection of conference materials (in electronic form), with the subsequent placement of deposited materials in the Electronic Library of BSU.

According to the decision of the section leaders and the speaker’s wish, full-text materials (3 to 10 pages) of the participants’ reports are accepted until the end of the conference. To type the text of the conference materials, the following style file of the materials template should be used.

The file name should contain the number of the section (0 for plenary papers), full name of the first author in English transcription and the word “proceedings”, e.g. 0_RomanchikVS-proceedings.doc or 4_RomanchikVS-proceedings.doc. The volume of submitted materials: from 3 to 10 A4 pages.

If you have full-text papers at the time of the thesis submission (till April 2, 2021), we recommend to submit both files simultaneously. This will facilitate a more informed decision on the inclusion of your paper in the conference program, as well as accelerate the process of depositing and publishing the corresponding electronic materials.

Plenary speakers

General schedule


Conference registration

Opening of the conference. Plenary reports


Work in sections 1 - 6

Work in sections 7 - 12


Work in sections 13 - 20

Closing of the conference and a city tour for conference guests


Participation in the conference is free of charge. The organizational fee for individual participants is paid after notification of the acceptance of the thesis for publication and represents the cost of a hard copy of the Proceedings of the conference.

The fee should be transferred to the Organizing Committee by April 15, 2021 inclusive.

Regardless of the type of payment, please indicate WebConf2021 in the "Purpose of payment" field. By agreement with the organizers it is possible to pay the registration fee upon arrival to the conference. Invited speakers, undergraduates, university students, students of colleges and schools are exempt from paying the organizational fee.




Registration of listeners who do not plan to make a presentation

Registration may continue until the start of the conference



The organization fee at the NBRB rate includes the cost of published materials for speakers.

Registration is until April 2, 2021.



Information stands and profile master classes.

Distribution of information materials on paper and electronic media

Organizing and Program Committee

Academician and Professor

A.S. Ostrovkiy



Academician and Professor

K.K. Shapkov



Academician and Professor



Our Reports





Start of System



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